creating decorative verse in community

Singular Verse contains decorative verses in singular forms that I create. Typically, my books are made from found objects of which there is just one copy. Some of these books will be released into community in a hand to hand reading project, that recognizes the importance of face to face, tangible relationships. From person to person, book to person, person to book, then book to other, Singular Verse projects support relationships in a full circle that begins again with person to person connections. Some singular books will make their way to just one reader, maintaining the importance of the book as an art form.

Please check in from time to time to see what the next Single Offering might be.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Creativity - Slowly Add in Nature #8/8

Today I am reminded of the power of nature in a good way. After a stimulating discussion last night with close friends about meditative approaches, I took a mindful eye outside this morning. I watched the birds singing, I watched the cat watching the birds. I watched the eating of the seed and the inspection by the cat of all that is botanical. In this watching, I felt the natural world all around and relaxed, despite urban noise, into what neuroscientists might call a dorsal vagal resting place. From rest, my thoughtfulness expanded. I grabbed my journal and immersed myself, digesting my experience by writing a circular poetic and drawing its form in minutes. Nature gave me the gift of rapid creative inspiration, a rarity for me. 

Patty Carpenter in her song entitled A Thousand Hands of Compassion writes of giving and receiving in this way. She sings, "New energy in giving, the power of receiving, openings in time." It may be that the energy from the gifts of nature, if we can receive it, opens us into the timeless flow of creativity. To receive a gift of nature, try meditative listening to the bird songs on this 5 minute link:

1 comment:

  1. Nogihilt left a SPAM compliment (spampliment) with an active link to an advertisement for a fertility medication. How sad that his/her energy is not used to enhance authentic social relationships, and instead is a phishing expedition for sales and possibly abusive identity theft. Energy is circular and spampliments are best left unsent.
