creating decorative verse in community

Singular Verse contains decorative verses in singular forms that I create. Typically, my books are made from found objects of which there is just one copy. Some of these books will be released into community in a hand to hand reading project, that recognizes the importance of face to face, tangible relationships. From person to person, book to person, person to book, then book to other, Singular Verse projects support relationships in a full circle that begins again with person to person connections. Some singular books will make their way to just one reader, maintaining the importance of the book as an art form.

Please check in from time to time to see what the next Single Offering might be.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shaken...not stirred.

In these last days of fall, it seems like the world has turned upside down. Random accidents, fatal illnesses, global strife, and strange politics are in the surround; causing so many of us to feel shaken up, just a bit, as we wait to see what happens next.  In the trauma healing world, it is less about what has happened, and more about what can happen next that is different from our past losses. In the healing, it is about our integrity in the moment rather than the depth of our grief or despair. It is about where the momentum can take us. Healing takes courage. It requires us to shake our own individual worlds up and move on towards health and well being. We may need to take our healing into our own hands and turn our experience upside down towards the enlivened, spiritual, or creative in order to thrive again. In this spirit of bringing my own creative back into my awareness, I decided to make a glitter globe; showing the topsy-turvy of everyday life with its possibility of a brilliant restoration. 

Drue and the Sea in her glittering globe of clarity is my most spiritual friend in her beach chair with her beloved dolphins; feeling the sun's golden glint on her back. It is about the best of life that can change in an instant and restore to beauty again with a slight shake. Life may never be the same again, and yet often is just one shake away from meaningful change if we follow our impulse to renew. In a cascade of noticing shimmering possibility, perhaps we develop the momentum to move on to the next glorious day. My harvest blessing is a wish: May we all find peace in the new that comes from the old, as we cycle into winter. Time to dwell and to restore with family and friends in all ways that are meaningful. Time to rest. Time to heal.

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