creating decorative verse in community

Singular Verse contains decorative verses in singular forms that I create. Typically, my books are made from found objects of which there is just one copy. Some of these books will be released into community in a hand to hand reading project, that recognizes the importance of face to face, tangible relationships. From person to person, book to person, person to book, then book to other, Singular Verse projects support relationships in a full circle that begins again with person to person connections. Some singular books will make their way to just one reader, maintaining the importance of the book as an art form.

Please check in from time to time to see what the next Single Offering might be.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

In The Time Of Starry NIghts and Phrensied Days-Collected Births Emerge

The dog days of summer are upon us until approximately August 24th. In the large dog constellation, Sirius-the dog star rises, and to all of us befall "burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies;" according to the Clavis Calendaria of 1813. So bright is the starlight, we become somewhat mad per ancient lore. Our gentle souls awaken and flare bright like the Perseid meteor shower in the night sky. We glow hot, and then cool with the shorter days. The heat of this time seems magnified in our current Western drought for the soil is parched. Everything is dry. It seems an unlikely time to plant and grow a project, yet I am planting one anyway, in community, with a hope of growth. 

I have begun an anthology project, suggested by a fellow author, on the process of how we become human. For some of us, it is at the time of our births. For others, it is the time of our near deaths or other moments of intense soul awakenings.  This project sprung out of the serial, nonfiction project called En Utero: Stories of the Womb, which won first prize for nonfiction work in March on the writing platform I gave an update on this work for the 6 word memoir project hosted at, stating I was: Birthing poetic womb stories, serial style. That statement birthed a request to do an anthology, so now there are 12 of us, along with a developing infant; working on themes of birth, conception, misconception, labor, delivery, partum and postpartum, adoption, miscarriage, gestation, birthdays, rebirth, transformations and other concepts. The sky's the limit here, so consider the topic possibilities as endless. 

Please join us in this work-whether you create in word, image, song, or even dance. If you're interested drop me a line in the comments section below, and I will share specifics about the project. You choose whether to opt in or opt out. The work will be shared among us and then perhaps, go public. You can opt out at any time along the way. 
Collected Births: An anthology of how we become human awaits You! Join in. You may like what you learn about yourself on your journey. The dog days of summer filled with phrensies is a great time to start.  

You can read and find En Utero:Stories of the Womb here:
In the meantime, you can see its amazing graphic cover design by Linnea Mielcarek and Leonardo da Vinci in the viewing pane on the right. 

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